
The Dentist Is In Are your patients candidates for veneers? Yes. LUMINEERS BY CERINATE is the biggest breakthrough ever in achieving the smiles that they've always wished for. These contact lens-thin "smile shapers" are so thin, yet so strong, there is no need for the removal of any sensitive tooth structure, no shots, no drilling and therefore, NO PAIN. No matter what your patient's problem is, LUMINEERS is the perfect solution to their smile issues!

7. Misalignment

Crooked and crowded teeth are common problems. You've probably been thinking for years that the only solution is orthodontics. This is no longer the case. LUMINEERS can eliminate the need for braces and correct misaligned teeth painlessly by placing ultra-thin LUMINEERS porcelain veneers, which permanently andpainlessly cover misaligned teeth.

"With LUMINEERS my dentist didn't need to give me a shot."